Root Canals

When an infection arises from deep inside the root of a tooth, it can cause pain, sensitivity, and extreme discomfort. Typically, these infections require a root canal, also known as endodontic therapy, to save the natural tooth. Despite many misconceptions, root canals are a very common and comfortable procedure. Here at Heflin Family Dentistry, our dentists are experts in endodontic therapy, and specialize in the advanced techniques and technologies required to restore your smile. Don’t smile through the pain any longer—trust the best dentists in Albuquerque for a happier, healthier smile!

Endodontics: Explained

“Endo” and “odont” are both Greek words, meaning “inside” and “tooth”—which is exactly what endodontic procedures require! In order to address the infected area of your tooth, endodontists must go inside your tooth to treat the innermost part of it. This area is called the root canal (hence the name), which is composed of blood vessels, nerve tissue, and other cells called pulp. To help restore the tooth to a healthy state, and avoid extractions or further decay, all infected components must be removed.

Signs and Symptoms

Many individuals choose to ignore the pain, hoping that it will go just away or in an attempt to avoid a visit to the dentist. However, putting off treatment will just make the situation worse. If you’re experiencing any of the following, it’s crucial that you immediately schedule an appointment so that Dr. Tom Heflin can examine your x-rays and provide the necessary treatment.

  • Persistent pain
  • Toothaches
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Tender, sensitive, or inflamed gums
  • Pain while chewing
  • Darkening or discoloration of teeth

Creating Pain-Free Smiles

To get rid of your pain and restore your smile, our Albuquerque endodontist will perform a root canal. Before we begin, we’ll explain every step of the process and answer any questions you might have. This ensures you’re fully aware of the procedure and comfortable with what’s being performed. Then, we’ll begin the root canal by numbing the tooth and surrounding area with a local anesthetic. Dr. Tom Heflin will then use specialized tools and techniques to clean the inside of the root, removing any infected pulp and disinfecting the tissue. Lastly, the tooth will be filled and sealed to prevent any further infection or future cavities.

We recognize that each patient is unique, and therefore, provide each with individualized care so that they can experience the following benefits of a root canal:

  • Preservation of the natural tooth
  • Virtually pain-free
  • Visually appealing
  • Cost effective

Heflin Family Dentistry in Albuquerque is committed to not only improving your smile, but your quality of life. If you’re living with pain, contact us today at (505) 883-0323 and discover the difference of endodontic dentistry!