Partial Dentures

From decay and infection to jaw misalignment, an incomplete smile affects more than just your confidence. Whether it’s one or several, missing teeth can cause a multitude of oral health problems and can even have an effect on your appearance. If not quickly addressed and replaced, surrounding teeth may begin to rot or shift into open gaps, while the soft tissue and bone that supports your jaw may begin to deteriorate, altering your physical appearance, oral function, and smile.

At Heflin Family Dentistry in Albuquerque, we believe everyone deserves to smile beautifully, and are proud to offer patients customized restorative dental solutions. Dr. Tom Heflin is among the leading Albuquerque cosmetic dentists, and has dedicated himself to guiding patients towards a complete and healthy smile through partial dentures!

Restoring Your Smile with Heflin Family Dentistry

Partial dentures are a removable dental appliance that replaces one or more missing teeth to help restore the form and function of your jaw and appearance of your smile. Unlike crowns and bridges, partial dentures allow patients the ability to remove the prosthetic at their convenience. They’re constructed of metal and acrylic that complement the look, shape, and color of your natural teeth, and also provide strength and stability while chewing and speaking.

A series of impressions of your teeth and jaw are made to form an exact replication of your mouth. This is then used to create a customized model. This model will be fit to the patient and adjustments will be made before a final denture is cast. Once you’ve received your final denture, Dr. Heflin will go over what to expect from your dentures and how to care for them. Overtime, several adjustments will be made to your dentures at your bi-annual dental exams to ensure they’re being properly maintained and are effectively benefiting your smile and health.

Caring for Your Partial Dentures

Each night, the partial dentures must be removed to relieve the gums and teeth, this is essential to keeping them strong and healthy. Dentures should be stored in clean water or a soaking solution overnight and brushed daily with a cleaner or soap (not toothpaste) to remove food, plaque, and debris.

Once required medical records are obtained and the results of your exam are finalized, Dr. Heflin will construct an individualized treatment plan, unique to your condition and desired results. He’ll then discuss what each procedure will entail, the recovery process, and what measures you’ll need to take to ensure the longevity of your newly restored smile.

Benefits of a Restored Smile

Aside from a beautiful smile and its restored function, partial dentures may also benefit patients in the following ways:

  • Restore comfort when eating and speaking
  • Protect gums and oral tissue
  • Balances bite pressure
  • Keeps underlying oral structures—gums, jawbones, facial muscles, etc.—active and engaged
  • Prevents teeth from shifting further
  • Can be expanded to a full denture
  • Easy to remove
  • Easy to adapt to in comparison to other restorative solutions

For partial dentures to complete your smile and dental care that will make you smile, choose Heflin Family Dentistry! Call us today at (505) 883-0323 and get ready for the best dentist in Albuquerque to restore your smile, function, and confidence!